Core Values


It means that one truly has the desire to become of real help to people. This consistently shown in one's demeanor and behavior as regards work. In a much fuller sense, malasakit is a Filipino core value which refers to compassion, concern, adherence and devotion. It is a two-pronged word: malas (ill-fated) and sakit (pait) which further expresses and implies solidarity, and the opportunity to " cum passio", literally, " to supper with".


The work of the Church in the field of social development requires excellence and professionalism with a heart, truly living-out the gospel values. Being godly manifested not only in words but in one's treatment of others. This core value is basis of our love and preference for the poor; reaching to the peripheries, made concrete by promoting justice.


Authentic  servant leadership make it easy for others to follow and conform. It helps people build trust which is necessity in establishing and maintaining smooth interpersonal relationships.

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