General Registration

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KASALI (Kaibigan ng Social Action ng Lipa) is a resource mobilization strategy brought about the need to strengthen the programs and services for the poor.  It seeks to sustain the operations of LASAC as it expands its services and embraces more people coming to it seeking help , comfort, and any assistance that can be offered.

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Get Involved program (formerly known as Malasackit Volunteer Program) provides opportunities for passionate and kind-hearted individuals to take part in the social action apostolate's mission of creating socially-renewed, resilient and sustainable communities.

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Give Generously program (formerly known as Malasackit Giving Program) promotes the culture of giving. It provides helpful mechanisms to ensure that donor's intent is properly served, while conscientiously fulfilling the Commission's mandate as social service arm of the local Church.

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The Archbishop of Lipa, in his mercy and compassion for the poor and vulnerable, initiates charitable initiatives through LASAC. He is aware that there are people of goodwill in the Archdiocese wanted to share in this endeavor and make a difference. By making a generous contribution, the Archbishop himself will gift you and those for whom the donation was made, with an Episcopal Blessing Document, with the assurance of keeping your intentions in the celebration of Masses, invoking an abundance of graces for you and your loved ones.

General Membership Form

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