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The Legacy Night Raises 5 Million for the Poor

2024 Legacy Donors

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Legacy Beyond Life: An Eternal Impact Through Generosity

Give Generously Program

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Celebrate Birthday and Kindness: Make Your Special Day Count


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Batangueños Living the Alay Kapwa Spirituality

Lent Season

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Defeat Hunger Now

Ensures proper nutrition and economic access. enabling vulnerable sectors to acquire sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets proper dietary needs off and active and healthy lifestyle

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Build Resilient Communities

Specializes in fostering self-reliance and autonomy through capacity-building interventions, alongside helping vulnerable sectors acquire proper housing. It further guarantees the rigorous application of humanitarian standards in all phases of disaster risk reduction and management.

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Empower Synodal Leaders

Provides opportunities for educational support, spiritual formation, and pastoral accompaniment directed towards our young people, civil actors, lay leaders, pastoral workers, the clergy and the religious.

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Recreate Sustainability

Maximizes social impact for communal and societal well-being. We explore and undertake innovative solutions to combat the culture of wastage, ensure access to safe drinking water, and sustain the charitable initiatives of the Archdiocese of Lipa for vulnerable sectors in the province of Batangas.


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Get Involved

Provides opportunities for passionate and kind-hearted individuals to take part in the social action apostolate's mission of creating socially-renewed, resilient and sustainable communities.

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Give Generously

Promotes the culture of giving. It provides helpful mechanisms to ensure that donor's intent is properly served, while conscientiously fulfilling the Commission's mandate as social service arm of the local Church.

LASAC 2013-2022 Total Worth of Assistance

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DEFEAT HUNGER NOW PROGRAM total worth of assistance


EMPOWER SYNODAL LEADERS PROGRAM total worth of assistance




RECREATE SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM generated a total worth of assistance


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Contingency Planning for the Big One: Catholic Church Prepares for Earthquake Response in Greater Metro Manila

On June 13, 2024, the Catholic Church hosted a crucial event titled "Contingency Planning for the Big One" at the St Benedict Building in Quiapo Church, Manila. This all-day session aimed to...

14 June 2024, Build Resilient Communities

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LASAC Receives Generous Donation from Krispy Kreme, Shares Blessings with Local School

In a heartwarming display of generosity and community spirit, the Lipa Archdiocesan Social Action Commission (LASAC) recently received a bountiful blessing from Krispy Kreme: 25 dozen donuts.The act o...

11 April 2024, Defeat Hunger Now

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Strengthening the Ministry of Social Services: The Archdiocese of Lipa's Annual Pastoral Assembly

From October 6 to 8, 2023, the Archdiocese of Lipa is set to host its Annual Pastoral Assembly, focusing on the Ministry of Social Services (MSS). This event, which will take place at the Lip...

08 October 2023, Empower Synodal Leaders

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